1 min readFeb 14, 2021


Valentine’s 2021

Not ever celebrating Valentines with me because it was a made-up holiday, was not love.

Never asking for a day out of work on my birthday to celebrate with me, was not love.

Spending NYE with his friends and leaving me home alone, was not love.

Always making fun of me, was not love.

Never using terms of endearment with me and speak to me as he would with another guy, was not love.

Pressuring me into being intimate the day after I had a major surgery, was not love.

Having me sleeping in our guest bedroom and telling me I was crazy for wanting to share a bed because it was more comfortable to have more space, was not love.

Never putting any thought on any gift, was not love.

Mocking my tastes all-the-time, was not love.

Promising me a brighter future and never following through, was not love.

Sleeping with another women and shaming me for being an old-school monogamist, was not love.

How could I be so blinded for so long to not see that I was being mentally/ emotionally abused?

It’s my first Valentines in a long time that I’ve been single.

And as much as I’d rather have someone next to me who would treat me and love me the way I deserve, I’d rather spend Valentines on my own than going back to my past life.

